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La Fille du rock

April 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Photos, Story

Morgan and me met almost 3 years. At that time, la Fille du rock was in the middle of the preparative of her marriage and I remember she suffered a slight stress, juggling event that takes many months to prepare, and everyday life (metro, work, work, rock, video games, work, not sleep at all). We had lunch in a creperie in Paris and I explained to her what the project Portraits de blogueuses was about.

Morgane and I have kept in touch and had several ideas about her PDB. For example there was the idea of ​​the girl in a wedding dress on stage, in rock mode. That was in 2009. Or multiple photos in a reconstructed one, each one giving the idea of a universe representing different facets of the world of the blogger (cosplay, rock, or … zombie!). There we were in 2010. Between then and now, we had the chance to see our two families getting bigger, which explains perhaps we should leave a little aside this photoshoot. But in late 2012 it was decided we would do the portrait de blogueuse of la Fille du rock. And it will be in fact a duo since the blog became a blog “à 4 mains”: Mathieu aka Hororo will be with us.

The tattoo shop Trilogy in Eaubonne was the right place for our shooting. Being myself “inked” I agreed, not without joy that we should do the photoshoot there. I must confess that something very annoying arrived: I went to the tattoo shop, I met with great pleasure Morgane, I met Mathieu and the Trilogy team, I unpacked the camera equipment, and I realize that I do not have the batteries of my D3s.
So I got a nice round trip, and after suffering the taunts of my lovely love, then I came to the salon to make a nice session where we ate Crunch. Mathieu was brilliant, he can hold “terror poses” during long moments. Morgan was no exception and we managed to get different atmospheres while remaining within the spirit of the blog.

Thanks a lot to Trilogy, to Mathieu, and to Morgan for her good humor and her lovely smile…